Oh Boy!Oh Boy! Antonin Rioche Staff credit Adaptation: Antonin Rioche & Hadi Moussally Director: Hadi Moussally Choreographer: Antonin Rioche...
SENSESSENSES Ambre Cardinal Staff credit A film by Ambre Cardinal Dancers: Utku Bal, Dalila Cortes Maniere Noire Production What was your idea...
GEISTERGEISTER Paxton Ricketts Staff credit Dancer: Sebastian Haynes Choreographer: Paxton Ricketts Director & DP: Tom McKenzie Music Ludvig van...
Yulia SkogorevaYulia Skogoreva Staff Credit Dancer and choreographer: Ruri Mitoh Photographer: Yulia Skogoreva Description of your idea Capture of...
Mikaela KellyMikaela Kelly Description of your idea I’m interested in the subtleties of people and the way small gestures can be infinitely...
BODIESDance expression driven by spoken word Poetry, reflecting the nightmares of today’s world on racism and hate.
4 234 23 Emily Golborn Staff Credit Choreography, music and editing: Emily Golborn Dancers: Josephine Adeyemi, Joy Adeyemi, Maryanne-Joy...
the quarantine diariesthe quarantine diaries Oliver Tida Tida & RV Staff Credit Concept: Oliver Tida Tida & RV Choreography, Camera, Voice: Oliver Tida Tida...
Ghost StoryGhost Story Sarah Elgart Staff Credit Director/Choreographer: Sarah Elgart Produced by: Stephen Glassman Studio Executive Producer:...
BeginningBeginning Helly LAV Staff Credit Dancers: Uliana Khlestova, Alexandra Imanalieva, Anna Ponikarovskaya, Helly LAV Video: Georgy Migunov,...
Re:BornRe:Born Annemijn Rijk Fleur Bax Staff Credit Dance: Nicole van de Berg Concept & choreography: Annemijn Rijk Director: Fleur Bax Director...
24 Taglines Halfway Home24 Taglines Halfway Home Vikram Mohan Staff Credit Dancers: Gurpreet singh, Anurag Singh, Jay panjwani, Deeksha sahu, Richa tiwari,...
ID entidadesID entidades Roberta Grijalva Staff Credit Choreographer and dancer: Roberta Grijalva Producer: Jimena Grijalva Film and edition:...
Warrior BallerinaWarrior Ballerina Symeon Kyriakopoulos Staff Credit Dancer: Michelle Buckley Choreography: Symeon Kyriakopoulos Video recording and...