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the quarantine diaries

Oliver Tida Tida & RV

Staff Credit

Concept: Oliver Tida Tida & RV Choreography, Camera, Voice: Oliver Tida Tida Camera, Editing, Original soundtrack: RV 

Description of your idea

In March 2020 we found ourselves in lock-down alone, one in Paris and the other in Brussels, both calling home a country that is not ours, and facing the indefinite suspension of work and social life.

We decided to initiate these quarantine diaries in form of a video-dialogue, to confront and process our emotions and thoughts about the unfolding events. While reacting to each other from distance and creating together without ever meeting, we explore what "communicating" means.

We face more than ever the challenges of being an artist, in a time when art is considered the first dispensable commodity. And whilst we count how much money is left in our pockets, we look at the world's economy crumble, and witness how radical and fast can be the normalization of a new era.

Protecting ourselves from the other, and wondering if soon it will be standard practice to wear isolating suits in daily life, to stop holding hands, hugging, touching each other’s skins. Interfaced by means of avatars and digital personas, we might end up spend most of our given time staring at screens, giving up our individuality, and participate in determining our collective evolution through technology.

As for these times of isolation, we can only connect with others through radio waves using our phones and computers. We look out the window at a dystopic reality where humanity is quarantined for a virus, flying drones surveil the empty streets and technological devices connect and control us on a global scale. Running faster towards 5G, the web 3.0 and its future quantic derivations, and far away from net neutrality, privacy, individual freedoms.

From our couches we confront death tolls and observe the commodification of fear, while shifts in power develop at a fast rate. We fear how the industrial and technological golems, interfaced through governments, might be realizing to what extent it is convenient to manipulate and control a population locked at home, and recall how easy it is to create fear and to use it. Paving the way for totalitarianism.

Looking live at the unfolding of the bat(terfly) effect.

Increasingly unable to accept mortality, humanity is on a crusade against the natural responses to keep overpopulation in balance, and refuses to confront the urgent theme of birth control. When you don't see the elephant in the room, it's maybe because you are it. We became so numerous that we are changing the composition of the atmosphere and the global climate. The pressure we’re imposing on all living things is so enormous that in one generation time we wipe out ecosystems formed through millions of years.

And what if humanity was the virus of this planet? Among all living things we certainly mutated in the most peculiar and destructive way.

Way too small to understand the complexity of the universe, and way too big to understand the complexity of our own microbiota, we are left in between trying to understand ourselves.

To paraphrase the Persian poet Rumi, we are at the same time a drop in the ocean and the ocean in a drop.

At a time of mass reflection about mortality, we dream of a collective upgrade in consciousness. We fantasize about a future where we learn how to be less productive, how to consume less, how to need less. A future where we understand our responsibilities, recognize the intelligence of nature and collaborate with it to be the guardians of the planet. We wonder how severe must be the lesson before we understand.

When the next big geomagnetic storm will manifest, it will be the first in modern technological times. The global society will have lost the ability to function without telecommunications and the internet, and will have lost its primordial program to accept and integrate the transcendent nature of reality.

Everything that happened already, is bound to happen again.

This artwork will last longer than we will.

What drives your enthusiasm the most?

We are driven by the mystical mystery of life and death, by the beautiful and the ugly, by justice and injustice,

by the contradictions of existence, by the constant change of physical matter and the impermanence of everything.

Do you have an inspirational quote that motivates you? 

"The feeling of self is no longer confined to the inside of the skin.

Instead, my individual being seems to grow out from the rest of the universe

like a hair from a head or a limb from a body, so that my center is also the center of the whole"

-Alan Watts, The Joyous Cosmology, 1962. 


Oliver Tida Tida is a Cameroonian dancer and choreographer, born in Yaoundé and based in Paris. In 1998 with his group Nyanga Danse wins as best Cameroonian group of  contemporary Afro dance. 

After dancing for Robyn Orlin at the festival Montpellier Danse he moves to Europe and obtains a diploma at the AID (Académie Internationale de Danse) in Paris.

Since then he has been participating to numerous international creations with coreographers such as Bruno Aghati, Stéphane Loras, Wayne McGregor, Kamel Ouali, Stephie Blant, Georges Momboye, Claude and Benjamin Brumachon, Abou Lagraa, Fayzal Zegoudi, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Christine Hasside, Thierry Smith and others. 

Instagram: @olivertida

RV is an Italian artist, designer and musician based in Brussels and working internationally in the past 20 years under different pseudonyms. 


作品のアイデアについて教えてください。 2020年3月、私たちはパリとブリュッセルでそれぞれロックダウンを経験。それぞれ母国でない国をホームと呼び、仕事と社会的生活からの無期限の制限と向き合うことになった。

Quarantine Diariesは、日々の出来事についての感情や思考と向き合うために、ビデオ形式の対話として始めた。直接会うことなく遠距離で互いに反応しながら創作する過程で、コミュニケーションそのものについて探ることになった。














あなたにインスピレーションを与えあなたを突き動かす言葉はありますか? 「自己の感覚はもう皮膚の下にはない。私の個人性は、外部にある宇宙から伸長している。



Alan Watts「The Joyous Cosmology」(1962)より


Oliver Tida Tidaはカメルーン共和国ヤウンデ生まれ、パリを拠点に活動するダンサー・振付家。1998年、所属するダンスグループNyanga Danseがカメルーン国内でベスト・コンテンポラリー・アフロダンスグループに選ばれる。

モンペリエ・ダンス・フェスティバルでロビン・オーリン作品に出演後、拠点をヨーロッパに移しパリのAID (Académie Internationale de Danse)でディプロマを取得。以降、数々の国際的なクリエーションに参加。Bruno Aghati, Stéphane Loras, Kamel Ouali, Stephie Blant, Georges Momboye, Claude and Benjamin Brumachon, Abou Lagraa, Fayzal Zegoudi, Christine Hasside, Thierry Smith, ウェイン・マクレガー、シディ・ラルビ・シェルカウイ等の作品に出演。

Instagram: @olivertida


翻訳: 瀧瀬彩恵



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