About Us

editor-in-chief/creative director/photographer
Born in Hiroshima, Japan. Yumiko Inoue entered the world of photography when she was a university student, and then worked mainly on advertising and fashion.
In 2018, she launched the web magazine "Alexandre," which focuses on "Dance, Art, Human being. In 2020, she and Shohei Horiuchi, principal dander of K-BALLET TOKYO, launched "BALLET TheNewClassic," a project that proposes a new standard for classic ballet. The second performance, to be held at the New National Theatre, Tokyo, on August 2 and 3, 2024, has attracted much attention from the ballet, fashion, and art worlds, including an attempt to produce all costumes by upcycling.
慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒業。在学中より写真の世界に入り、その後広告、ファッションを中心に活躍。美しいバレエダンサーたちに魅了され、ライフワークとしてダンサーの写真と映像を撮り続ける。2018年には"Dance, Art, Human being"を軸にするウェブマガジン「Alexandre(アレクサンドル)」を創刊。また、2020年には、「バレエ」の新しい定番を提案するプロジェクト「BALLET TheNewClassic(バレエザニュークラシック)」を、K-BALLET TOKYOのプリンシパル・堀内將平とともに始動。2024年8月2、3日に新国立劇場で開催される第2弾公演は、全衣装をアップサイクルで制作する試みをはじめ、バレエ、ファッション、アート界から高い注目を集めている。

art director
His award-winning achievements includes receiving the world's four major advertising awards, such as the visuals of the Academy Award-winning movies in Japan, "MOONLIGHT", "Call Me By Your Name" and "If Beale Street Could Talk". Yuichi Ishii is also active in presenting his works at exhibitions, and he is highly productive in his works. He enjoys the interaction with the world through design, such as exchanging opinions in the team, the live feeling while creating, and communication beyond language barriers. Alexandre is pursuing innovative visual expressions on the Web, and plans to expand it to publications such magazines and books. He is refining the design function of Alexandre as a major project.
D&AD Awards / Wood Pencil ONE SHOW / Merit Award
Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design Golden Bee / Selected
D&ADアワード グラフィッデザイン部門 ブロンズ賞。ONE SHOW merit Award 受賞。モスクワ国際グラフィックデザインビエンナーレ入選。

stage critic, translator and ballet/dance journalist
Naomi Mori spent her childhood in London. She was addicted to theater and movies since she was a university student. Seeing Alessandra Ferri and Julio Bocca’s "Romeo and Juliet" in 1997 was a revelation to pursue this art form. She watches more than 100 performances each year, She contributes to many publications in both Japanese and English including VOGUE JAPAN and Mainichi Shimbun. And she is a much sought after translator and supervisor in ballet movies and ballet books, working on subtitles of ballet movies as well. It is her greatest interest to communicate what is now happening in the world through the viewpoint of ballet, dance and art.
幼少期をロンドンで過ごし帰国。早稲田大学法学部卒。在学中より演劇、映画にのめり込む。1997年アメリカン・バレエ・シアター来日公演「ロミオとジュリエット」でアレッサンドラ・フェリとフリオ・ボッカを観たことでバレエに開眼し、2003年マシュー・ボーン「白鳥の湖」が海外公演にも足を運ぶきっかけとなった。毎年100以上の公演を鑑賞し、現在はVOGUE JAPANをはじめ、数々のメディアに寄稿。またバレエ映画の字幕翻訳や、バレエ書籍の監修など、バレエ界において幅広く活躍している。バレエ、ダンスを通していま世界で何が起こっているかということを感じること、伝えることは今森の最大の関心事である。

translator, writer and interviewer
Born in Tokyo in 1990 and raised in United States 1992-2000, Ayae took ballet & tap dance lessons during early childhood and jazz dance lessons during teenage years. Attending schools in U.S. and Japan, both somehow abundant with musical performance opportunities, dance and theatrical art has always been a familiar subject to her. Struck by the beauty of modern ballet and contemporary dance at 18, she has become dance crazy even more since then.
Studied visual communication design at Musashino Art University. Her thesis project was an animation film of a ballerina, focusing on the semiotic aspect of physical language. Working as a freelance creative director and writer since 2017, she has been involved in numerous projects related to the creative industry and art. Her current obsession is to communicate the unseen philosophy, ideas behind the beauty of dance through text.
1990年東京生まれ、米国育ちのち神奈川育ち。編集・執筆・翻訳など言語化や伝達に従事する傍ら、言葉と身体について考察している。2020年、心身を巡るアーティストインタビュープラットフォームSeen Scenes立ち上げ。2022年、自身の身体感覚・言語感覚・アイデンテティの周辺にまつわるエッセイ集「言葉は身体は心は世界」を私家出版。様々な分野の表現者と、文筆と広義の「翻訳」を通して協働している。現在は東京圏と静岡県富士市で二拠点生活を実践中。 www.seenscenes.com
©Hiraoka Shoko