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Helly LAV

Staff Credit

Music band: «Jangala» : Artur Ahmedeev, Ivan Muralov, Aleksandr Dobromislov, Aleksandr Karnavalov

Description of your idea

What is the beginning? It came from the first breath, from the heat, from the water washed the skin, from the land that gave life. Perhaps it began from the wind in the hair or a little sparkle in the eyes and the fire inside, or from the solid ground under the feet and quickening water. These elements were born with our world and they are living inside all of us. Quarantine gave us a wonderful opportunity to stop for a while and to hear this beginning and to feel it inside ourselves and find the way to basics. Awake the life inside with a first sigh and set the breath with a beat of nature.

What drives your enthusiasm the most?

Mostly I am moved by the feelings. Daily routine usually closes people's eyes to their feelings, sensations, premonitions, and I think one of the main purpose of art is to return human to the feeling, because art is impossible to understand and analyze like a math equation, but you can just feel it!

Do you have any inspirational quote that motivates you?

Perhaps, there is no inspirational and motivational quotes.

Shall we print the whole "Alice in Wonderland" instead of quotes ?!

Though, there are actually two quotes that I really like:

"If you got in the theater once you will stay there forever. Like under the train,"

-Maxim Averin (one of the Russian actors)

"If you don't laugh at your destiny means you didn’t get the joke"

-Gregory David Roberts


Helly LAV (1992) Graduated from Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Arts as a Choreographer. Also participated in different workshops with Andrey Batalov, Anton Valbauer, Geogy Milev, Vladimir Shklarov, Stefan Zeromski, Stephen Delattre etc. Working as a dancer in Russian National Ballet Theatre since 2015, and as a choreographer in one of the Saint-Petersburg State Children School of Arts since 2015, and choreographer for some contemporary dance projects in Saint-Petersburg

instagram: @hellylav

Khlestova Uliana (1995) Graduated from Classical Ballet Ledyah School, from Europaballett St. Polten, Buhnenreifeprufung diploma, student in Moscow State University. Working as a dancer in Russian National Ballet Theatre since 2016.

instagram: @uliankha

Alexandra Imanalieva (1995) Graduated from Classical Ballet Ledyah School. Working as a dancer in Russian National Ballet Theatre since 2013

instagram: @safook

Anna Ponikarovskaya (1996) Graduated from Gzel Classical Ballet School. Student in Moscow State Ballet Academy (classical ballet teacher). Working as a dancer in Smirnov Classical Ballet since 2017.

instagram: @ameli077












-Maxim Averin(ロシア人俳優)


-Gregory David Roberts(オーストラリア人小説家)


Helly LAV

1992年生まれ。Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Artsで振付を学ぶ。これまでにAndrey Batalov, Anton Valbauer, Geogy Milev, Vladimir Shklarov, Stefan Zeromski, Stephen Delattre等のもとでワークショップに参加。2015年からロシア国立バレエ団にダンサーとして所属、及びSaint-Petersburg State Children School of Artsで振付家として活動。その他、サンクトペテルブルク内で複数のコンテンポラリーダンスプロジェクトに振付家として参画。

instagram: @hellylav

Khlestova Uliana

1995年生まれ。Classical Ballet Ledyah School卒業。Europaballett St. Polten, Buhnenreifeprufungでディプロマ取得。現在モスクワ大学在籍。2016年からロシア国立バレエ団にダンサーとして所属。

instagram: @uliankha

Alexandra Imanalieva

1995年生まれ。Classical Ballet Ledyah School卒業。2016年からロシア国立バレエ団にダンサーとして所属。

instagram: @safook

Anna Ponikarovskaya

1996年生まれ。Gzel Classical Ballet Schoolを卒業。現在モスクワバレエアカデミー在籍、クラシックバレエ教育を専攻。2017年からSmirnov Classical Balletにダンサーとして所属。

instagram: @ameli077

翻訳: 瀧瀬彩恵



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