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24 Taglines Halfway Home

Vikram Mohan

Staff Credit

Dancers: Gurpreet singh, Anurag Singh, Jay panjwani, Deeksha sahu, Richa tiwari, Puneet kumar Mishra, Kewal chhaparwal, Nagendra singh rathore, Navdeep singh thakur, Bharati presani, Bhushan suresh shimpi, Hemlata mishra, Muhammad jahangir, Dinesh wadhwa, Garima Mishra, Anjali singh, Mainual ali sidqui, Adarsh jigyasu, Sachin Prasad.

Producer: Voxpop Dancers India

Director, Cinematographer & Choreographer: Vikram Mohan

Co-Producer: Sanjay Upadhyay

Executive Producer: Rahul Yadav

Post Production: Shri Dwarkadhish Media PVT. LTD.

Editing Sound Design & Mixing : Santosh Singh (Sandy)

Art Director: Jayant Deshmukh

Poster & Title: Ranjit Dahiya (Bollywood Art Project)

Short description of your idea

"24 Taglines half way home" based on devastatingly exposing the fragmented personalities and broken images in disintegrated society. I try to portray middle class families crisis of identity and breakdown of communication in human relations and resultant tragic effect of boredom and despair constitute the theme.

I take 24 taglines or words to make this film. Words or lines is like :- Identity, gender, loneliness, sensitive individual's desire, Marriage, what is missing my life, adolescent, fallowing path, do everything for us, is this me, all my wrights on you, sexuality and awareness, frustration etc..

It's interesting that your footage was taken by yourself. Is that your creative style?

Do you have an aim of it?

Yes this is my creative style because I need what that take it best for me.

I have many ideas and dreams to bring in big canvas.

What drives your enthusiasm the most?

My creative hunger and intuition drives my enthusiasm.

Do you have any inspirational words that motivates, pushes or supports your creativity? Belive in your dreams and do necessary things which help you fullfill your dreams.


Vikram Mohan is a contemporary dance Choreographer with over 15 years’ experience in various dance forms and Empanelment artist in Indian Council for Cultural Relations. He got Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar-2019 and also got 8 nominations in Mahindra excellence theatre awards for his production After Death the spiritual journey in 2016. He attended International choreographer week Tilburg Netherlands in 2014. His short dance film” Stillness” was in top 10 in 60 seconds dance on screen film festival Sweden and screen in many international festivals. As performer, Choreographer and teacher he worked many national and international festivals, universities and schools.

He had three years training of Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Salsa, Tango from Notational Ballet Trust of India. One year of Aerial dance training from Anandam dance theatre and Vertical Circus Australia. Worked with Lucia Marthas as Choreography and dance classes observer in Lucia Marthas Institute for performing art in Amsterdam (Museum plan studio, Rustenburg Studio,) and North Holland Studio.Attending many intensive dance workshops with international and Indian teachers in Classical Indian, Contemporary and Ballet Technique.

instagram: @vikrammmhoan

email: telephone: +919899772465



「24 Taglines Halfway Home」は、崩壊した社会の中で分断された個人と断片的なイメージを荒廃的に浮かび上がらせる。私が描こうとしたのは中流階級の家族のアイデンテティ・クライシス、人間関係におけるコミュニケーションの歪み。その先で悲劇的に結果としてあらわれる倦怠と絶望が作品の主題を構成する。

制作するにあたり、24個のタグラインを用意した。言葉もしくはフレーズの一部は次の通り:アイデンテティ / ジェンダー / 孤独 / センシティブな個人の欲望 / 婚姻 / 自分の人生から失っているもの / 未熟さ / 道筋を辿ること / 私たちのために全てを為す / これは自分か / 私の全権限はあなたに / セクシュアリティと気づき / フラストレーション / etc









Vikram Mohanは様々な舞踊表現の形態で15年来活動してきたコンテンポラリーダンスの振付家、Indian Council for Cultural RelationsのEmpanelment Artist。インドの新進舞台芸術作家に贈られる2019年度Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskarを受賞。演出と振付を手がけた「After Death ­– The Spiritual Journey」は2016年度Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awardsで8部門にノミネートされる。2014年International Choreographer Week(オランダ・ティルブルフ)に参加。短編ダンスフィルム「Stillness」はスウェーデン発のオンラインダンスフィルムコンペティション60secondsdanceでトップ10入り、複数の国際的フェスティバルで上映。パフォーマー、振付家、教育者としてインド国内外多数のフェスティバル、大学など教育機関で仕事をする。

National Ballet Trust of Indiaで3年間バレエ、ジャズ、コンテンポラリー、サルサ、タンゴを学び、Anandam Dance TheatreとVertical Circus Australiaで1年間エアリアルダンスのトレーニングを積む。Lucia Marthasと振付を協働した経験があるほか、アムステルダムのLucia Marthas Institute for Performing Artでもクラスを受講。Classical Indian、Contemporary and Ballet Techniqueで国内外のダンス教育者対象のインテンシブワークショップに多数参加。

instagram: @vikrammmhoan

email: telephone: +919899772465

翻訳: 瀧瀬彩恵


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